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    Home / Blog / The Types of Hammers You Should Buy From Brass Hammer Supplier

    The Types of Hammers You Should Buy From Brass Hammer Supplier

      By Admin  |    July 13th, 2024

    The Types of Hammers You Should Buy From Brass Hammer Suppliers

    In regular households, most of us only own a standard claw hammer. But that is not enough for sure. Though a hammer seems like a very simple tool, it can be utilized for multiple purposes. People can aim it at something they wish to hit, like nails, and then hang them. You can spin the hammer around and pluck the nail out using its claws for some variety. Hammers are varied in terms of their uses, shapes, and sizes. You can get a variety of hammers from any reputable brass hammer supplier. Buying these hammers from any brass hammer supplier in Dubai UAE has its benefits. Now, what are they? Let’s quickly look at the benefits of buying the hammers from a renowned supplier.

    • A renowned supplier always offers optimal-quality hammers made from chosen raw materials. Purchasing any tool from a well-known supplier means no compromise on quality.
    • An experienced supplier always delivers products that can fit your needs well. You can even customize your need for the hammers by conversing with the supplier.
    • They always supply products with a fast and smooth delivery system. Ordering hammers from a renowned brand means no headache regarding the delivery.
    • Some torque wrench suppliers in Dubai UAE offer prolonged guarantees with all the tools they supply. More or less, all industrial tools like hammers are more inclined to get damaged due to harsh industrial processes. Buying these tools from reputable suppliers can help you to get a long-term warranty on each product.

    These are some reasons why one must select a reputable supplier. Hammers are a special category of hand tool that goes beyond aim, swing, and pound. They are better to have around, especially when you are doing a lot of chores together. So, let’s examine the types of industrial hammers that can make any industrial work procedure easier.

    Brass Hammers

    The very first category of hammers that every individual should possess is a brass hammer. Most brass hammers are a combination of brass and other alloy components. These hammers include handles of either fiberglass, hard rubber, or wood. They also can have a metal neck. The part of the brass hammer, which is made up of brass, is none other than its head. For the successful functioning of these hammers, they require a head made up of brass. These hammers are available in mini versions, too, at brass hammer suppliers in Dubai, UAE. They are made up of brass completely.


    Brass hammers have several benefits, indicating their beneficial attributes for different risks. The most amazing attribute of these hammers is they are non-sparking in nature. It makes these hammers ideal for use near fuel lines. Most auto repair technicians use these hammers because they don’t create sparks. Those technicians often swing brass hammers when they are functioning on the following.

    • Struts 
    • Pinions
    • Tie rods
    • Transmission flanges
    • Wheel bearings
    • Wheel hub removals

    These hammers are widely used in metal fabrication. Brass is softer than steel and thus doesn’t damage metal work pieces while shaping, making these hammers an ideal choice for several metalworkers. These hammers are also used with punches, chisels, and chasing tools. Since brass is softer, it doesn’t harm the hammerhead like other metals.

    Rubber Mallet

    As the name suggests, rubber mallets are mallets that include rubber heads. These rubber heads are bigger in shape and size than the ball peen hammers and other standard mallets. Most of the rubber mallets look like sledgehammer heads. Though rubber mallets may look like sledgehammers, their purpose is completely different. Buy high-quality rubber mallets from any torque wrench supplier in Dubai, UAE.


    The wood industry is the sector in which these mallets are used on a large scale. Most woodworkers use these mallets to tighten the wooden parts apart or together. Since the heads of these mallets are made of rubber, they won’t create any damage or dent to the wood you’re using. Hence, these mallets are ideal for those who want their woodwork to look great.

    Woodworkers also like these mallets. Though they have soft heads, they can hit chisels with wooden, metal, or plastic handles without damaging them. This beneficial feature makes them invaluable hammer tools. Contact any helicoil thread repair kit suppliers in Dubai, UAE, to buy effective rubber mallets.

    Dead-Blow Hammer

    Searching for a unique-looking specialty speciality hammer tool? Look no further than dead-blow hammers. Also known as dead-blow mallets, these hammers have a hollow head. The heads contain a particular amount of lead shot, sand shot, or steel shot. The handles of these hammers are rubber-coated to lessen the shock on the user’s hand. 


    Dead-blow hammers serve the same purposes as rubber mallets and brass hammers. The unique heads and rubber coatings help create a soft blow on the object. In the automotive sector, these hammers are needed to install and dismantle parts without denting them. Apart from the automotive sector, these hammers find their uses in woodworking, hydraulic machinery, and other sectors.


    These are some notable facts about the hammers. Having these hammers in your toolbox can upgrade it to the next level. We are aware of such facts since we deliver these products. Whether you are a professional or an amateur, having these tools can be advantageous and better. 

    As a reputable brass hammer supplier in Dubai UAE, we stock our inventory with all the famous brands. Search for our inventory to have a better understanding of our products. Abasco Tools offers the best hammers at the best price rate. We ship our products within 24 hours of ordering. Contact us by giving us a call or visit our site to get a better insight.

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